里芋の煮ころがし 作り方とレシピ 《Simmered Taro in Sweetened Soy Sauce 〜How to make and recipe〜》


里芋の煮ころがしの材料 〜Ingredients for simmered taro〜

[st-mybox title=”材料(4人分)” webicon=”fa fa-cutlery” color=”#757575″ bordercolor=”#a0522d” bgcolor=”#ffffff” borderwidth=”2″ borderradius=”5″ titleweight=”bold” fontsize=”” myclass=”st-mybox-class” margin=”25px 0 25px 0″]

里芋          400g

★水          200g
★だしの素       5g
★料理酒        25g
★みりん        25g
★砂糖         30g
★醤油         25g

こんにゃく       適量


[st-mybox title=”Ingredients(4 servings)” webicon=”fa fa-cutlery” color=”#757575″ bordercolor=”#a0522d” bgcolor=”#ffffff” borderwidth=”2″ borderradius=”5″ titleweight=”bold” fontsize=”” myclass=”st-mybox-class” margin=”25px 0 25px 0″]

Taro                400g

★Water               200g
★Soup stock powder        5g
★sake                 25g
★mirin sweet cooking sake   25g
★sugar                 30g
★soy sauce          25g

Konjac            moderate amount


里芋の煮ころがしの作り方 〜How to make simmered taro〜






Simmered taro in english

(1)Wash the taro with water and peel off the skin.

(2)Put water,soup stock powder,sake,mirin,sugar,soy sauce,and taro in a pot and bring to a boil.

(3)When the taro becomes soft,shake and roll the pot to boil down.

(4)Place the taro into a bowl.

